1.
"A
camera
captures
moments,
but
cannot
capture
the
emotions
that
come
with
them.
"
【-Unknown】
2.
"Every
photo
tells
a
story,
but
not
always
the
whole
truth.
"
【-Unknown】
3.
"Sometimes
the
beauty
in
a
photograph
is
the
memories
it
brings
back.
"
【-Deborah
Farnham】
4.
"Photography
is
a
way
of
feeling,
of
touching,
of
loving.
What
you
have
caught
on
film
is
captured
forever.
.
.
it
remembers
little
things,
long
after
you
have
forgotten
everything.
"
【-Aaron
Siskind】
5.
"I
don't
trust
words.
trust
pictures.
"
【-Gilles
Peress】
6.
"The
camera
is
an
instrument
that
teaches
people
how
to
see
without
a
camera.
"
【-Dorothea
Lange】
7.
"A
photograph
is
the
pause
button
of
life.
"
【-Ty
Holland】
8.
"When
words
become
unclear,
shall
focus
with
photographs.
When
images
become
inadequate,
shall
be
content
with
silence.
"
【-Ansel
Adams】
9.
"The
camera
is
a
tool
for
learning
how
to
see
without
a
camera.
"
【-Dorothea
Lange】
10.
"Photography
is
a
love
affair
with
life.
"
【-Burk
Uzzle】
11.
"A
picture
is
a
secret
about
a
secret,
the
more
it
tells
you
the
less
you
know.
"
【-Diane
Arbus】
12.
"A
picture
is
worth
a
thousand
words,
but
a
memory
is
priceless.
"
【-Unknown】
13.
"A
true
photograph
need
not
be
explained,
nor
can
it
be
contained
in
words.
"
【-Ansel
Adams】
14.
"Photography
is
the
only
language
that
can
be
understood
anywhere
in
the
world.
"
【-Bruno
Barbey】
15.
"A
photograph
is
memory
in
the
raw.
"
【-Carrie
Latet】
16.
"The
best
thing
about
a
picture
is
that
it
never
changes,
even
when
the
people
in
it
do.
"
【-Andy
Warhol】
17.
"Photography
is
a
way
of
putting
distance
between
myself
and
the
work
which
sometimes
helps
me
to
see
more
clearly
what
it
is
that
have
made.
"
【-Andy
Goldsworthy】
18.
"Photography
is
not
about
the
cameras,
gadgets
and
gismos.
Photography
is
about
the
photographers.
"
【-Peter
Adams】
19.
"A
photograph
is
a
story
told
in
one
frame.
"
【-Unknown】
20.
"Photography
is
a
powerful
tool
that
can
both
capture
and
evoke
emotion.
"
【-Unknown】
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