1.
Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
on
people
and
things
that
don't
matter.
[F***
it]
2.
Sometimes
you
just
can't
please
everyone,
so
you
might
as
well
do
what
makes
you
happy.
[F***
'em]
3.
Don't
let
fear
hold
you
back
from
experiencing
all
that
life
has
to
offer.
[F***
fear]
4.
Life
is
like
a
rollercoaster,
full
of
ups
and
downs.
Embrace
the
ride.
[F***
it,
let's
ride]
5.
You
are
the
only
one
responsible
for
your
own
happiness.
[F***
relying
on
others]
6.
Don't
be
afraid
to
take
risks
and
make
mistakes.
It's
all
part
of
the
learning
process.
[F***
playing
it
safe]
7.
You
don't
need
to
explain
yourself
to
anyone.
[F***
explaining]
8.
Be
true
to
yourself,
even
if
it
means
going
against
the
norm.
[F***
conformity]
9.
Life
is
unpredictable,
but
that's
what
makes
it
exciting.
[F***
predictability]
10.
Life
is
too
short
to
dwell
on
negativity.
Focus
on
the
positives.
[F***
negativity]
11.
Don't
let
anyone
dull
your
sparkle.
[F***
their
opinion]
12.
Live
in
the
moment
and
enjoy
life
to
the
fullest.
[F***
regrets]
13.
Your
dreams
won't
come
true
unless
you
take
action.
[F***
dreaming,
start
doing]
14.
Don't
wait
for
opportunities
to
come
to
you,
go
out
and
create
them.
[F***
waiting]
15.
Accept
that
not
everything
will
go
as
planned,
and
that's
okay.
[F***
expectations]
16.
Take
time
for
yourself
to
recharge
and
relax.
[F***
always
being
busy]
17.
Don't
let
anyone's
negativity
bring
you
down.
[F***
haters]
18.
Life
is
about
growth
and
learning.
Embrace
new
experiences.
[F***
stagnation]
19.
Your
mistakes
do
not
define
you.
[F***
self-criticism]
20.
Life
is
meant
to
be
lived,
don't
waste
it
on
things
that
don't
matter.
[F***
the
small
stuff]
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