1.
平凡生活,健康而快乐,其实也是一种幸福。
【Life
is
simple
and
healthy,
yet
happy.
It's
a
kind
of
happiness
in
its
own
way.
】
2.
不管多忙碌的工作,给自己留点时间,好好享受每一天的阳光和微风。
【No
matter
how
busy
life
gets,
make
time
to
enjoy
the
sunshine
and
gentle
breeze.
】
3.
用心去生活,用心去品尝,不争不抢,从容不迫。
【Live
with
intention,
savor
each
moment
and
flow
with
ease,
without
strife
or
contention.
】
4.
平淡生活里不乏感动,不止一丝感慨。
【Even
in
the
ordinary,
there
is
much
to
evoke
emotions
and
reflection.
】
5.
慢下来,看看周围的人和事,或许心情会更加轻松。
【Take
a
slower
pace
and
notice
the
people
and
things
around
us,
perhaps
feeling
more
at
ease.
】
6.
生活不需要太多绚丽,简单就好。
【Life
need
not
be
too
glamorous;
simplicity
can
be
better.
】
7.
在平淡中发现美好,是一种智慧。
【Discovering
beauty
in
the
mundane
is
a
kind
of
wisdom.
】
8.
平凡日子里沉淀出的生活情趣,比一时的热闹更长久。
【The
subtle
pleasures
of
everyday
life
can
be
more
lasting
than
fleeting
excitement.
】
9.
真正的快乐,不是得到更多,而是欣赏更多。
【True
joy
comes
not
from
acquiring
more,
but
appreciating
more.
】
10.
没有所谓完美的日子,只有适合自己的完美。
【There
are
no
perfect
days,
only
those
that
fit
our
own
definition
of
perfect.
】
11.
每一个平凡的日子都有它特别的价值,尽量小心保护。
【Every
ordinary
day
has
its
own
unique
value,
best
to
cherish
and
preserve
them
diligently.
】
12.
拥有了健康和温馨的家,就拥有了简单而美好的生活。
【A
healthy
and
cozy
home
is
the
essence
of
simple
and
beautiful
living.
】
13.
养成平淡生活的好习惯,会给一个人带来更多的自由和平和。
【Cultivating
the
habit
of
simplicity
in
life
can
bring
more
freedom
and
tranquility.
】
14.
更重要的是在平淡朴实中,找到自己真正想要的生活。
【More
importantly,
finding
the
life
we
truly
desire
in
simplicity.
】
15.
平淡中的生活不应被低估,它可能更加属于我们自己。
【The
simple
life
should
not
be
underestimated;
it
may
very
well
be
our
true
calling.
】
16.
让每一个平凡的日子都充满着感恩和喜悦,这是一种美好。
【Living
each
day
with
gratitude
and
joy,
even
in
the
mundane,
is
a
kind
of
bliss.
】
17.
简单有趣的生活,是靠内心力量创造出来的。
【A
simple
and
interesting
life
is
created
through
the
power
of
our
own
internal
being.
】
18.
静下心来欣赏生活,你会惊喜地发现,最美的生活其实就在你身边。
【Settle
down
and
savor
life.
You'll
be
surprised
to
find
that
the
most
beautiful
life
is
right
by
your
side.
】
19.
平凡的日常生活,也许只是等待我们发掘的一座金矿。
【Everyday
ordinary
life
may
just
be
a
mine
waiting
to
be
discovered.
】
20.
值得我们珍惜的不是生活的平凡,而是生活中所透着的细腻和自然。
【What
is
worth
cherishing
is
not
the
ordinary
of
life,
but
the
subtle
and
natural
beauty
it
exudes.
】
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