1.
The
sight
of
falling
leaves
reminds
me
of
how
fleeting
everything
in
life
is.
】
2.
As
the
leaves
fall,
so
do
my
hopes
and
dreams.
】
3.
The
beauty
of
autumn
is
but
a
bittersweet
reminder
of
life's
impermanence.
】
4.
Like
the
leaves,
too
am
slowly
falling
apart.
】
5.
The
rustling
of
leaves
is
a
symphony
of
sorrow.
】
6.
The
changing
of
seasons
is
a
reminder
that
nothing
lasts
forever.
】
7.
Watching
the
leaves
fall
is
a
painful
reminder
of
all
that
I've
lost.
】
8.
The
sight
of
falling
leaves
brings
with
it
a
wave
of
melancholy.
】
9.
The
leaves
may
fall,
but
the
memories
remain.
】
10.
Each
falling
leaf
is
a
symbol
of
a
life
that
once
was.
】
11.
The
falling
leaves
are
a
metaphor
for
the
passage
of
time.
】
12.
As
the
leaves
fall,
so
does
my
heart.
】
13.
The
beauty
of
autumn
is
marred
by
the
sadness
of
falling
leaves.
】
14.
Watching
the
leaves
go
is
like
watching
a
part
of
myself
die.
】
15.
The
falling
leaves
are
a
reminder
that
some
things
are
beyond
our
control.
】
16.
The
leaves
may
fall,
but
will
always
remember
their
beauty.
】
17.
Life
is
like
the
falling
leaves
-
unpredictable
and
fragile.
】
18.
The
falling
leaves
are
a
reminder
to
cherish
every
moment
of
life.
】
19.
The
leaves
may
fall,
but
they
leave
behind
a
legacy
of
beauty.
】
20.
The
rustling
of
leaves
is
a
whisper
from
the
universe,
reminding
us
to
let
go.
】
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