〖Five〗、1 You've got to find what you love. Follow your heart.(你必须找到你的真爱。追随你的内心。)
〖Six〗、 2 The dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.(昨日的梦想是今天的希望和明天的现实。)
〖Seven〗、 3 PoliPoli. I'm possible.(慢点慢点,对我而言,一切皆有可能。)
〖Eight〗、 4 Everything happens for the best.(一切都是比较好的安排。)
〖Nine〗、 5 Everything will be all right in the end. If it’s not all right, then it's not yet the end.(一切结局终将尽如人意,若尚未尽如人意,只因未到结局。)
〖Ten〗、 1 Dream big, do small.(要有远大的梦想,要从小事做起。)
1〖One〗、 2 Actions speak louder than words.(行动胜过言语/身教重于言传。)
1〖Two〗、 3 Practice makes perfect. God only helps those who help themselves.(熟能生巧,天助自助者。)
1〖Three〗、 4 Easier said than done. Better late than never.(知易行难,迟做总比不做好。)
1〖Four〗、 5 Dig deeper, work harder, get better and become stronger.(耕耘更深,工作更努力,变得更好,成为更坚强的自己。)
1〖Five〗、 1 Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for the aim of educating them. Our purpose is to fit them for life. Life is varied, so is education.(教育不是目的,而是达成目的的一种手段。换句话来说,我们教育孩子的目的不只是为了教育他们,我们的目的是帮他们适应生活。生活是多样化的,所以教育也是一样的,需因材施教。)
1〖Six〗、 2 Two abilities are important for children to have. One is the ability to love and to receive love. And the other is the ability to accept change gracefully. Because change permeates everything we do, how we adapt to change tells much about the kind of person we are.(对孩子们而言,拥有两种能力至关重要。一种是爱与被爱的能力,另一种是优雅地接受改变的能力。因为改变无处不在,我们如何能够适应改变,决定了我们将成为怎样一种人。)
1〖Seven〗、 3 You are the best thing you have. You have to do you have to do.(你最棒的拥有就是你自己,你需要去做你应该做的。)
1〖Eight〗、 1 With great power, comes the great responsibility.(能力越大,责任越大。)
1〖Nine〗、 2 You need a change of soul, rather than a change of climate. You should lay aside the burden of your mind. Until you do so, no place will satisfy you.(你需要的是灵魂与思维层面的改变,而不是换个环境。你应该放下脑海中的负荷。除非你那样做了,否则,任何地方都不会令你心满意足。)
20、 3 The most terrible thing in the world is not your end is too high and you miss it, but your end is too low, and you reach it.(这个世界上最糟糕的事情不是你为了远大的志向而努力奋斗,最终未能达成;而是你胸无大志,最终碌碌无为。)
2〖Two〗、 PoliPoli(慢慢来)=快速切入行动+细分目标=增强执行力+细心思考=细水长流+滴水穿石=持之以恒+求快不配做高手。
2.We hope that you will enjoy your stay with us.我希望你和我们相处得愉快。
3.We are happy to have you on board.我们很高兴你能和我们在一起。
4.We are really glad that you have decided to join us.我们真的很高兴你决定和我们在一起。
5.We are pleased that you have joined us and look forward to a pleasant and long association with you.有你和我们在一起,我们备感荣幸,并且,我们期待着与你保持长期的、友好的关系。
6.You are very welcome to come and see me at any time.随时欢迎你过来看望我。
7.You are always welcome in my office at any time.随时欢迎你来我的办公室。
8.On behalf of the company I would like to welcome you.我谨此代表我们公司欢迎您。
9.It is my great pleasure to welcome you to.您能光临我感到非常荣幸。
10.It affords me great pleasure to welcome you to.您能光临真是我莫大的荣幸。