1.
"Time
may
pass,
but
true
friendships
never
fade.
Reuniting
with
old
friends
is
like
finding
a
missing
piece
of
yourself.
"
【重逢老友,如同找到自己失落的那一部分。
】
2.
"Old
friends
are
like
old
wine
-
they
only
get
better
with
time.
Sharing
memories
and
laughter
with
them
is
priceless.
"
【老友如陈酿佳酿,历久弥香。
和他们分享回忆和欢声笑语毫无价值。
】
3.
"Reuniting
with
old
friends
is
a
reminder
of
how
much
we've
grown,
but
also
of
how
much
we've
remained
the
same.
"
【重聚老友是让我们意识到我们成长的同时也了解我们没有改变的地方。
】
4.
"Distance
may
separate
us,
but
true
friends
are
always
close
at
heart.
Reuniting
is
like
picking
up
where
we
left
off.
"
【距离挡不住我们的友情,真正的朋友总是在心里。
重聚,就像继续未完成的事情。
】
5.
"Reuniting
with
old
friends
is
like
stepping
back
in
time
and
reliving
the
moments
that
have
shaped
us
into
who
we
are
today.
"
【和老友重聚就像回到过去重温那些塑造我们现在的时刻。
】
6.
"Old
friends
are
the
ones
who
know
our
flaws
and
love
us
anyway.
Seeing
them
again
is
like
a
warm
embrace.
"
【老友明知道我们的缺点,但还是无条件地爱我们。
再次见面就如同温暖的拥抱。
】
7.
"Our
old
friends
are
the
ones
who
keep
us
grounded,
reminding
us
of
where
we
came
from
and
where
we're
headed.
Reuniting
with
them
is
like
finding
our
way
back
home.
"
【老友让我们保持脚踏实地,提醒我们从哪里来,到哪里去。
重逢他们就像回到家的感觉。
】
8.
"As
time
goes
by,
we
may
lose
touch
with
old
friends,
but
true
friendships
never
die.
Reuniting
with
them
is
a
chance
to
reignite
the
bond
that
never
fades.
"
【随着时间的推移,我们可能会失去联系,但是真正的友谊永不消逝。
和他们重聚是重新点燃永不减弱的纽带的机会。
】
9.
"Old
friends
are
the
ones
who
have
been
there
for
us
through
thick
and
thin.
Reuniting
with
them
is
like
a
celebration
of
all
the
good
times
we
shared.
"
【老友是在我们经历高低起伏时陪伴我们的人。
重逢他们就像庆祝我们分享过的美好时光。
】
10.
"True
friendships
are
not
measured
by
the
amount
of
time
we
spend
together,
but
by
the
memories
we
create.
Reuniting
with
old
friends
is
a
chance
to
make
new
memories
and
cherish
the
old
ones.
"
【真正的友谊不是通过我们在一起度过的时间来衡量的,而是我们创造的记忆。
和老友重聚是创造新记忆和珍惜旧记忆的机会。
】
11.
"Reuniting
with
old
friends
is
a
time
to
let
loose
and
be
ourselves,
without
fear
of
judgment.
With
them,
we
can
let
down
our
guard
and
just
be.
"
【和老友重聚是一个让我们放松自我,没有顾虑评判的时刻。
和他们在一起,我们可以放下戒备,做自己。
】
12.
"Old
friends
are
the
ones
who
understand
our
humor
and
appreciate
our
quirks.
Reuniting
with
them
is
like
a
comedic
adventure
filled
with
laughter
and
inside
jokes.
"
【老友明白我们的幽默,欣赏我们的怪癖。
和他们重聚就像是充满笑声和内部笑话的喜剧之旅。
】
13.
"In
this
fast-paced
world,
old
friends
are
a
reminder
to
slow
down
and
enjoy
the
simple
things
in
life.
Reuniting
with
them
is
like
a
breath
of
fresh
air.
"
【在这个快节奏的世界中,老友是让我们放缓节奏,享受生活中简单事物的提醒。
和他们重逢就像一口清新的空气。
】
14.
"Old
friends
are
the
ones
who
know
us
better
than
we
know
ourselves.
Reuniting
with
them
is
like
rediscovering
who
we
are.
"
【老友了解我们比我们自己还要深刻。
和他们重聚就像重新发现自己。
】
15.
"Reuniting
with
old
friends
is
a
reminder
that
no
matter
where
life
takes
us,
we
will
always
have
a
support
system
to
fall
back
on.
"
【和老友重聚提醒我们,无论生命带我们去哪里,我们总有一个支持系统可以依靠。
】
16.
"Old
friends
are
the
ones
who
remind
us
of
what's
important
in
life
-
love,
laughter,
and
friendship.
Reuniting
with
them
is
like
a
lesson
in
gratitude.
"
【老友提醒我们生活中的重要事情
-
爱,欢笑和友谊。
和他们重聚就像一次感恩的教训。
】
17.
"Reuniting
with
old
friends
is
a
journey
back
in
time,
but
also
a
reminder
to
live
in
the
present
and
cherish
every
moment.
"
【和老友重聚是回到过去的旅程,也提醒我们要活在当下,珍惜每个时刻。
】
18.
"Old
friends
are
the
ones
who
know
the
darkest
parts
of
us,
but
still
choose
to
stay
by
our
side.
Reuniting
with
them
is
like
shining
a
light
on
our
shadows.
"
【老友知道我们最黑暗的部分,但仍然选择陪伴我们。
和他们重聚就像在我们的阴影中照亮一盏灯。
】
19.
"Reuniting
with
old
friends
is
a
celebration
of
the
bond
that
time
could
never
break.
With
them,
we
are
reminded
that
true
friendship
is
eternal.
"
【和老友重聚是庆祝时间永远无法打破的纽带。
和他们在一起,我们记得真正的友谊是永恒的。
】
20.
"Old
friends
are
the
ones
who
know
us
better
than
we
know
ourselves.
Reuniting
with
them
is
like
coming
home
to
our
true
selves.
"
【老友了解我们比我们自己还要深刻。
和他们重聚就像回家到真正的自我。
】
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