声明:内容来自互联网不代表本站观点,转载请注明:https://www.66688861.com/d20rj0D1OYs7.html
1.
Love
is
not
about
receiving,
it's
about
giving.
】
2.
True
love
does
not
keep
score
or
expect
anything
in
return.
】
3.
The
purest
form
of
love
is
selfless
and
unconditional.
】
4.
Love
is
not
a
transaction;
it's
an
endless
flow
of
affection.
】
5.
Real
love
doesn't
demand
repayment;
it
flourishes
in
the
act
of
giving.
】
6.
Love
is
not
measured
by
what
we
receive,
but
by
what
we
are
willing
to
give.
】
7.
When
love
is
truly
selfless,
it
becomes
a
source
of
endless
joy.
】
8.
Love
becomes
extraordinary
when
it
expects
nothing
and
embraces
everything.
】
9.
love
without
expectations
is
a
love
that
can
surpass
all
boundaries.
】
10.
In
love,
the
true
reward
lies
in
the
act
of
loving
itself.
】
11.
Love
that
seeks
no
returns
is
a
love
that
can
heal
and
transform.
】
12.
True
love
is
a
selfless
act
of
uplifting
and
supporting
another.
】
13.
love
without
demands
is
a
love
that
sets
both
hearts
free.
】
14.
When
love
is
given
freely
and
without
expectations,
it
becomes
a
eternal
blessing.
】
15.
Love
that
seeks
no
rewards
is
a
love
that
can
withstand
any
storm.
】
16.
In
love,
the
only
thing
that
truly
matters
is
the
happiness
of
the
beloved.
】
17.
Love
is
about
mutual
growth,
not
personal
gain.
】
18.
Unconditional
love
means
loving
without
conditions
or
expectations.
】
19.
Love
that
is
selfless
can
bring
unparalleled
happiness
and
fulfillment.
】
20.
love
without
demands
is
a
love
that
can
stand
the
test
of
time.
】