1.
"We'll
always
have
Paris.
"】
-
Casablanca
2.
"Love
means
never
having
to
say
you're
sorry.
"】
-
Love
Story
3.
"My
mama
always
said
life
was
like
a
box
of
chocolates.
You
never
know
what
you're
gonna
get.
"】
-
Forrest
Gump
4.
"Here's
looking
at
you,
kid.
"】
-
Casablanca
5.
"I'm
also
just
a
girl,
standing
in
front
of
a
boy,
asking
him
to
love
her.
"】
-
Notting
Hill
6.
"You
can't
handle
the
truth!"】
-
Few
Good
Men
7.
"After
all,
tomorrow
is
another
day!"】
-
Gone
with
the
Wind
8.
"I'm
king
of
the
world!"】
-
Titanic
9.
"Don't
let
anyone
ever
make
you
feel
like
you
don't
deserve
what
you
want.
"】
-
Things
Hate
About
You
10.
"May
the
Force
be
with
you.
"】
-
Star
Wars
11.
"Get
busy
living
or
get
busy
dying.
"】
-
The
Shawshank
Redemption
12.
"I'll
be
back.
"】
-
The
Terminator
13.
"Here's
Johnny!"】
-
The
Shining
14.
"Life
moves
pretty
fast.
If
you
don't
stop
and
look
around
once
in
a
while,
you
could
miss
it.
"】
-
Ferris
Bueller's
Day
Off
15.
"You
can't
change
what's
happened.
The
only
thing
you
can
control
is
how
you
deal
with
it.
"】
-
The
Perks
of
Being
a
Wallflower
16.
"Every
man
dies,
not
every
man
really
lives.
"】
-
Braveheart
17.
"I
have
a
dream.
.
.
"】
-
Martin
Luther
King
Jr
18.
"It's
not
who
am
underneath,
but
what
do
that
defines
me.
"】
-
Batman
Begins
19.
"If
you
build
it,
he
will
come.
"】
-
Field
of
Dreams
20.
"Carpe
diem.
Seize
the
day,
boys.
"】
-
Dead
Poet's
Society.
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