1.
“Words
are
our
most
inexhaustible
source
of
magic.
”
-
J.
K.
Rowling
【收藏的句子】
2.
“I
have
not
failed.
I've
just
found
10,000
ways
that
won't
work.
”
-
Thomas
Edison
【收藏的句子】
3.
“Be
the
change
you
wish
to
see
in
the
world.
”
-
Mahatma
Gandhi
【收藏的句子】
4.
“You
miss
100%
of
the
shots
you
don't
take.
”
-
Wayne
Gretzky
【收藏的句子】
5.
“We
can't
solve
problems
by
using
the
same
kind
of
thinking
we
used
when
we
created
them.
”
-
Albert
Einstein
【收藏的句子】
6.
“The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
”
-
Steve
Jobs
【收藏的句子】
7.
“It
is
our
choices,
Harry,
that
show
what
we
truly
are,
far
more
than
our
abilities.
”
-
J.
K.
Rowling
【收藏的句子】
8.
“In
three
words
can
sum
up
everything
I've
learned
about
life:
it
goes
on.
”
-
Robert
Frost
【收藏的句子】
9.
“Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
”
-
Winston
Churchill
【收藏的句子】
10.
“The
best
way
to
predict
your
future
is
to
create
it.
”
-
Abraham
Lincoln
【收藏的句子】
11.
“Believe
you
can
and
you're
halfway
there.
”
-
Theodore
Roosevelt
【收藏的句子】
12.
“Normality
is
a
paved
road:
It’s
comfortable
to
walk,
but
no
flowers
grow.
”
-
Vincent
van
Gogh
【收藏的句子】
13.
“You
can
never
cross
the
ocean
until
you
have
the
courage
to
lose
sight
of
the
shore.
”
-
Christopher
Columbus
【收藏的句子】
14.
“The
biggest
adventure
you
can
ever
take
is
to
live
the
life
of
your
dreams.
”
-
Oprah
Winfrey
【收藏的句子】
15.
“We
don’t
make
mistakes,
just
happy
little
accidents.
”
-
Bob
Ross
【收藏的句子】
16.
“The
good
times
of
today
are
the
sad
thoughts
of
tomorrow.
”
-
Bob
Marley
【收藏的句子】
17.
“If
you're
going
through
hell,
keep
going.
”
-
Winston
Churchill
【收藏的句子】
18.
“The
man
who
moves
a
mountain
begins
by
carrying
away
small
stones.
”
-
Confucius
【收藏的句子】
19.
“The
only
true
wisdom
is
in
knowing
you
know
nothing.
”
-
Socrates
【收藏的句子】
20.
“Life
is
like
riding
a
bicycle.
To
keep
your
balance,
you
must
keep
moving.
”
-
Albert
Einstein
【收藏的句子】
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