1.
Choose
a
job
you
love,
and
you
will
never
have
to
work
a
day
in
your
life.
【Confucius】
2.
The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
【Steve
Jobs】
3.
It
does
not
matter
how
slowly
you
go
as
long
as
you
do
not
stop.
【Confucius】
4.
Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
【Winston
Churchill】
5.
Where
there
is
a
will,
there
is
a
way.
【Unknown】
6.
You
miss
100%
of
the
shots
you
don't
take.
【Wayne
Gretzky】
7.
If
you
want
to
live
a
happy
life,
tie
it
to
a
goal,
not
to
people
or
things.
【Albert
Einstein】
8.
Focus
on
the
journey,
not
the
destination.
Joy
is
found
not
in
finishing
an
activity
but
in
doing
it.
【Greg
Anderson】
9.
Everything
you've
ever
wanted
is
on
the
other
side
of
fear.
【George
Addair】
10.
The
pessimist
sees
difficulty
in
every
opportunity.
The
optimist
sees
the
opportunity
in
every
difficulty.
【Winston
Churchill】
11.
Dreams
don't
work
unless
you
do.
【John
C.
Maxwell】
12.
The
best
way
to
predict
your
future
is
to
create
it.
【Abraham
Lincoln】
13.
Failure
is
not
the
opposite
of
success,
it
is
part
of
success.
【Unknown】
14.
Life
is
10%
what
happens
to
us
and
90%
how
we
react
to
it.
【Charles
R.
Swindoll】
15.
If
you
don't
design
your
own
life
plan,
chances
are
you'll
fall
into
someone
else's
plan.
And
guess
what
they
have
planned
for
you?
Not
much.
【Jim
Rohn】
16.
Limitations
live
only
in
our
minds.
But
if
we
use
our
imaginations,
our
possibilities
become
limitless.
【Jamie
Paolinetti】
17.
Believe
you
can
and
you're
halfway
there.
【Theodore
Roosevelt】
18.
Never
give
up
on
something
that
you
can't
go
a
day
without
thinking
about.
【Unknown】
19.
If
you
want
to
achieve
greatness,
stop
asking
for
permission.
【Unknown】
20.
The
only
thing
we
have
to
fear
is
fear
itself.
【Franklin
D.
Roosevelt】
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