1.
Don't
let
fear
hold
you
back
【-
Inspirational】
2.
Always
be
kind,
it
costs
nothing
【-
Motivational】
3.
Time
heals
all
wounds,
but
it
takes
time
【-
Comforting】
4.
Life
is
a
journey,
enjoy
the
ride
【-
Philosophical】
5.
Happiness
is
found
within,
not
in
external
things
【-
Spiritual】
6.
Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal,
it's
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts
【-
Encouraging】
7.
Never
give
up
on
your
dreams
【-
Determined】
8.
smile
is
the
best
accessory
you
can
wear
【-
Optimistic】
9.
Keep
moving
forward,
even
if
it's
just
a
small
step
at
a
time
【-
Progressing】
10.
Education
is
the
key
to
unlocking
a
better
future
【-
Inspiring】
11.
Your
only
limit
is
the
one
you
set
yourself
【-
Empowering】
12.
Every
day
is
a
new
opportunity
to
start
fresh
【-
Hopeful】
13.
The
greatest
gift
you
can
give
is
love
【-
Grateful】
14.
You
are
stronger
than
you
think
【-
Supportive】
15.
Learn
from
yesterday,
live
for
today,
hope
for
tomorrow
【-
Reflective】
16.
Time
is
a
precious
commodity,
don't
waste
it
【-
Wise】
17.
Forgiveness
is
a
gift
you
give
yourself
【-
Healing】
18.
Life
may
be
tough,
but
so
are
you
【-
Resilient】
19.
Be
the
change
you
wish
to
see
in
the
world
【-
Responsible】
20.
Happiness
is
a
choice,
choose
it
every
day
【-
Joyful】
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