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1.
Love
is
like
a
glass:
You
must
handle
it
with
care,
or
it
will
shatter.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
2.
Sometimes
we
hold
onto
relationships
not
because
we're
happy,
but
because
we're
afraid
of
being
alone.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
3.
Love
may
be
blind,
but
it
can
also
be
cruel.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
4.
The
hardest
part
about
letting
go
is
realizing
that
the
other
person
already
did.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
5.
Pain
is
the
price
we
pay
for
love,
but
not
all
love
is
worth
the
price.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
6.
Love
doesn't
just
hurt,
it
scars.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
7.
The
saddest
part
of
love
is
when
it's
over
and
you
can't
remember
why
you
started.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
8.
The
heart
knows
what
it
wants,
but
the
mind
can't
always
keep
up.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
9.
Love
is
like
a
maze,
and
sometimes
you
get
lost
in
it.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
10.
It's
not
the
goodbye
that
hurts,
it's
the
hope
that
it
will
happen
again.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
11.
Love
is
like
a
roller
coaster
and
sometimes
the
ride
just
ends
abruptly.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
12.
You
don't
know
what
love
is
until
you
know
what
pain
is.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
13.
Love
isn't
always
enough
to
make
a
relationship
work.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
14.
Sometimes
love
is
like
a
wildfire,
burning
out
of
control
and
leaving
destruction
in
its
wake.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
15.
Love
can
be
beautiful,
but
sometimes
it's
just
a
twisted
game.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
16.
Love
isn't
always
forever,
but
the
memories
will
be.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
17.
The
heart
is
a
fragile
thing,
and
love
is
not
always
kind.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
18.
Love
can
make
you
feel
alive,
but
it
can
also
break
you.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
19.
Love
is
a
risk,
and
sometimes
the
reward
isn't
worth
it.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】
20.
The
worst
kind
of
love
is
the
one
that's
never
given.
【比重英文短句爱情语录伤感】