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1.
"Feverish
thoughts
and
a
boiling
brow,
time
to
sip
on
some
hot
tea
now.
"
【#FeverishFeelings】
2.
"Being
sick
makes
me
realize
the
importance
of
being
physically
and
mentally
healthy.
"
【#HealthAboveAll】
3.
"My
forehead's
a
little
warm,
hope
it's
just
a
passing
storm.
"
【#BodyCheckupNeeded】
4.
"Amidst
a
pandemic,
every
fever
gives
me
a
scare.
But
staying
calm
and
composed
is
the
only
way,
swear.
"
【#StayStrongStaySafe】
5.
"Taking
a
sick
day,
because
sometimes
the
only
cure
is
a
little
self-care.
"
【#SelfLoveIsImportant】
6.
"Fever,
flu
and
cough
-
these
seasonal
bugs
are
enough
to
make
anyone
overthink.
"
【#WorryingWon'tHelp】
7.
"Always
remember,
health
is
wealth.
So,
keep
an
eye
on
your
temperature
and
be
in
top
health.
"
【#HealthyHabitsMatter】
8.
"It's
a
fever,
not
a
prison
sentence.
few
days
of
rest
and
I'll
be
up
and
at
it
again.
"
【#PositiveThinkingWorks】
9.
"The
human
body
is
amazing,
how
it
responds
to
stress
and
discomfort
with
a
fevered
blaze.
"
【#BodyAndMindConnected】
10.
"When
life
gives
you
a
fever,
make
lemonade
and
take
a
break.
"
【#RelaxAndRecharge】
11.
"A
fever
is
the
body's
way
of
telling
us
it
needs
a
break.
So,
listen
to
your
body
and
take
that
rest.
"
【#ListenToYourBody】
12.
"Fever,
say
what?
The
only
fire
want
is
the
one
that
ignites
my
soul.
"
【#SoulOnFire】
13.
"A
fever
is
temporary,
but
health
is
not.
Remember
to
take
care
of
yourself
even
if
you're
feeling
good.
"
【#PreventionIsBetterThanCure】
14.
"There's
nothing
worse
than
feeling
under
the
weather.
But
hey,
tomorrow's
a
new
day
and
we'll
get
through
this
together.
"
【#TogetherWeCan】
15.
"A
fever
is
not
just
a
rise
in
temperature,
but
a
sign
that
we
need
to
take
care
of
our
mind
and
soul
as
well.
"
【#MindBodySoulConnection】
16.
"Fever
or
not,
every
day
is
a
gift.
So,
make
the
most
of
it
and
treasure
every
moment.
"
【#LiveInTheMoment】
17.
"A
fever
may
keep
me
down
for
a
while,
but
it
can't
stop
me
from
dreaming
and
achieving
my
goals.
"
【#DreamOn】
18.
"Feeling
sick
makes
me
appreciate
good
health
even
more.
So,
let's
all
make
healthy
choices
and
live
our
best
life.
"
【#GoodHealthIsKey】
19.
"A
fever
may
be
scary,
but
it's
just
a
part
of
life's
journey.
And
every
journey
has
its
ups
and
downs.
"
【#LifeIsAJourney】
20.
"A
fever
may
be
a
sign
of
physical
distress,
but
it
can
also
be
a
reminder
to
slow
down
and
enjoy
the
simple
things.
"
【#SlowingDownIsNecessary】