1.
"Life
is
not
about
waiting
for
things
to
happen,
it's
about
creating
your
own
happiness.
"
【#CreateYourOwnHappiness】
2.
"A
beautiful
life
is
not
a
perfect
life,
it's
a
life
that
is
lived
with
purpose.
"
【#LivingWithPurpose】
3.
"Happiness
is
not
something
you
acquire,
it's
something
you
create.
"
【#CreateHappiness】
4.
"In
order
to
live
a
beautiful
life,
you
must
first
believe
that
it
is
possible.
"
【#BelieveInBeauty】
5.
"A
beautiful
life
is
not
defined
by
possessions,
but
by
experiences
and
memories.
"
【#ValuingExperiences】
6.
"Life
is
short,
make
it
meaningful.
"
【#MakeItMeaningful】
7.
"Be
present
in
every
moment,
for
that
is
where
life
truly
exists.
"
【#LiveInThePresent】
8.
"The
key
to
a
beautiful
life
is
gratitude
and
appreciation
for
the
small
things.
"
【#PracticeGratitude】
9.
"Live
a
life
that
is
true
to
yourself,
not
what
others
expect
of
you.
"
【#BeTrueToYou】
10.
"Life
is
a
journey,
enjoy
the
ride.
"
【#EnjoyTheRide】
11.
"Happiness
comes
from
within,
not
from
external
sources.
"
【#HappinessIsInternal】
12.
"The
pursuit
of
beauty
should
encompass
all
aspects
of
your
life,
not
just
the
external.
"
【#BeautyFromWithin】
13.
"Focus
on
what
you
have,
not
what
you
lack.
"
【#GratefulForWhatIHave】
14.
"A
beautiful
life
is
one
where
kindness
and
compassion
are
at
the
forefront
of
everything
you
do.
"
【#KindnessAndCompassion】
15.
"The
greatest
joy
in
life
comes
from
making
a
positive
impact
on
others.
"
【#MakeAPositiveImpact】
16.
"Find
beauty
in
the
ordinary
moments
of
life.
"
【#BeautyInOrdinary】
17.
"Life
is
not
about
chasing
perfection,
it's
about
finding
joy
in
imperfection.
"
【#EmbraceImperfection】
18.
"A
beautiful
life
is
one
that
is
filled
with
laughter
and
love.
"
【#LaughterAndLove】
19.
"Take
time
to
appreciate
the
simple
pleasures
in
life.
"
【#AppreciateTheSimpleThings】
20.
"Life
is
what
you
make
it,
so
make
it
beautiful.
"
【#MakeItBeautiful】
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