1.
"My
life
is
constantly
begging
me
to
put
in
those
extra
hours
at
work.
"
【加班困扰】
2.
"I
can't
seem
to
escape
the
never-ending
workload
that
life
presents
me
with.
"
【工作压力】
3.
"I
wish
life
would
give
me
a
break,
but
it
just
keeps
throwing
more
work
my
way.
"
【工作负担】
4.
"Sometimes
feel
like
I'm
drowning
in
deadlines
and
responsibilities.
"
【时间紧迫】
5.
"Balancing
work
and
life
is
like
trying
to
walk
a
tightrope
without
a
safety
net.
"
【工作与生活平衡】
6.
"Stress
and
burnout
are
just
a
few
of
the
side
effects
of
non-stop
overtime.
"
【过度加班】
7.
"If
life
gave
out
trophies
for
working
the
most
hours,
I'd
be
a
champion.
"
【有心无力】
8.
"I've
come
to
accept
that
my
life
is
a
perpetual
cycle
of
work,
eat,
sleep,
repeat.
"
【单调乏味】
9.
"I
never
knew
the
true
meaning
of
exhaustion
until
started
working
12-hour
shifts.
"
【长时间工作】
10.
"I'm
constantly
reminded
that
life
doesn't
always
come
with
a
work-life
balance.
"
【繁忙的生活】
11.
"The
overtime
pay
may
be
nice,
but
the
toll
it
takes
on
my
mental
health
is
not
worth
it.
"
【精神压力】
12.
"I've
learned
the
hard
way
that
working
too
much
can
have
serious
consequences
for
my
health.
"
【健康警醒】
13.
"I
envy
those
who
can
leave
work
at
work
and
enjoy
their
free
time.
"
【不能真正放松】
14.
"My
boss
seems
to
forget
that
have
a
life
outside
of
work.
"
【工作与生活分离】
15.
"Sometimes
wonder
if
life
is
trying
to
tell
me
that
working
is
all
I'll
ever
know.
"
【工作迷茫】
16.
"I'm
starting
to
think
that
the
concept
of
work-life
balance
is
just
a
myth.
"
【平衡难以达到】
17.
"My
workload
feels
like
a
never-ending
mountain
that
can
never
seem
to
conquer.
"
【繁重的工作】
18.
"I
find
myself
working
more
hours
than
have
time
to
sleep
or
eat.
"
【牺牲个人时间】
19.
"I'm
beginning
to
realize
that
my
life
revolves
around
my
job
instead
of
my
job
revolving
around
my
life.
"
【工作主导生活】
20.
"I
often
feel
like
a
hamster
on
a
wheel,
constantly
running
but
never
getting
anywhere.
"
【喘不过气来】
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