1.
“Why
do
we
fall,
sir?
So
that
we
can
learn
to
pick
ourselves
up.
”
-
Batman
Begins
【温柔治愈】
2.
“Just
keep
swimming.
”
-
Finding
Nemo
【温柔治愈】
3.
“Hope
is
a
good
thing,
maybe
the
best
of
things,
and
no
good
thing
ever
dies.
”
-
The
Shawshank
Redemption
【温柔治愈】
4.
“Happiness
can
be
found
even
in
the
darkest
of
times,
if
one
only
remembers
to
turn
on
the
light.
”
-
Harry
Potter
and
the
Prisoner
of
Azkaban
【温柔治愈】
5.
“The
flower
that
blooms
in
adversity
is
the
most
rare
and
beautiful
of
all.
”
-
Mulan
【温柔治愈】
6.
“Believe.
Even
when
the
world's
a
veil
of
tears,
it’s
alright.
Just
hold
on
to
your
belief.
”
-
The
Green
Mile
【温柔治愈】
7.
“Life
is
like
a
box
of
chocolates.
You
never
know
what
you're
gonna
get.
”
-
Forrest
Gump
【温柔治愈】
8.
“It
matters
not
what
someone
is
born,
but
what
they
grow
to
be.
”
-
Harry
Potter
and
the
Goblet
of
Fire
【温柔治愈】
9.
“The
greatest
thing
you'll
ever
learn
is
just
to
love
and
be
loved
in
return.
”
-
Moulin
Rouge
【温柔治愈】
10.
“Do
or
do
not.
There
is
no
try.
”
-
Star
Wars:
The
Empire
Strikes
Back
【温柔治愈】
11.
“I
see
dead
people.
”
-
The
Sixth
Sense
【温柔治愈】
12.
“Maybe
we
can't
predict
the
future,
but
we
can
predict
some
things.
For
example,
am
certainly
going
to
hell.
”
-
The
House
Bunny
【温柔治愈】
13.
“As
if
the
weight
of
the
world
has
been
lifted
off
my
shoulders.
”
-
Bridget
Jones's
Diary
【温柔治愈】
14.
“I'm
just
one
stomach
flu
away
from
my
goal
weight.
”
-
The
Devil
Wears
Prada
【温柔治愈】
15.
“I
have
a
love
in
my
life.
It
makes
me
stronger
than
anything
you
can
imagine.
”
-
Moulin
Rouge
【温柔治愈】
16.
“Love
is
a
force
more
formidable
than
any
other.
It
is
invisible—it
cannot
be
seen
or
measured,
yet
it
is
powerful
enough
to
transform
you
in
a
moment,
and
offer
you
more
joy
than
any
material
possession
could.
”
-
The
Notebook
【温柔治愈】
17.
“Life
moves
pretty
fast.
If
you
don't
stop
and
look
around
once
in
a
while,
you
could
miss
it.
”
-
Ferris
Bueller's
Day
Off
【温柔治愈】
18.
“If
you
can’t
find
something
to
live
for,
you
best
find
something
to
die
for.
”
-
The
Hurricane
【温柔治愈】
19.
“Get
busy
living,
or
get
busy
dying.
”
-
The
Shawshank
Redemption
【温柔治愈】
20.
“The
only
way
to
get
through
life
is
to
laugh
your
way
through
it.
You
either
have
to
laugh
or
cry.
prefer
to
laugh.
Crying
gives
me
a
headache.
”
-
Marjorie
Pay
Hinckley
【温柔治愈】
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