1.
"A
beautiful
life
is
not
about
having
everything,
but
about
finding
joy
in
the
little
things.
"
【美好的生活不是拥有一切,而是从小事中找到快乐。
】
2.
"Cherish
the
present
moment,
for
it
is
truly
a
gift.
"
【珍惜现在的时刻,因为它真正是一份礼物。
】
3.
"Gratitude
is
the
key
to
a
beautiful
life.
"
【感恩是美好生活的关键。
】
4.
"Love
yourself
and
the
world
will
love
you
too.
"
【爱自己,世界也会爱你。
】
5.
"Surround
yourself
with
positive
people
who
uplift
you.
"
【与积极向上的人为伍,让你受益匪浅。
】
6.
"Find
beauty
in
every
day,
even
on
the
tough
ones.
"
【即使在困难的日子里,也要在生活中找到美好。
】
7.
"Forgive
others
and
yourself,
for
it
frees
you
from
negative
emotions.
"
【原谅别人和自己,这样可以解除负面情绪。
】
8.
"Live
in
the
moment
and
appreciate
the
journey.
"
【活在当下,欣赏旅程。
】
9.
"Speak
kind
words
and
spread
positivity
wherever
you
go.
"
【说出善良的话语,将阳光传递到您的每一个目的地。
】
10.
"Simplicity
is
the
ultimate
sophistication.
"
【简单是最终的精致。
】
11.
"Your
attitude
determines
your
happiness
in
life.
"
【你的态度决定了你的人生幸福。
】
12.
"Take
care
of
your
body
and
mind,
for
they
are
your
most
valuable
asset.
"
【照顾好你的身体和心灵,因为它们是你最重要的财富。
】
13.
"Live
a
life
filled
with
purpose
and
passion,
for
that
is
the
true
definition
of
success.
"
【过着充满目的和激情的生活,这才是真正成功的定义。
】
14.
"Laugh
often,
for
it
is
the
best
medicine
for
the
soul.
"
【常常笑,因为它是治疗灵魂的良药。
】
15.
"Be
kind,
for
everyone
you
meet
is
fighting
a
battle
you
know
nothing
about.
"
【善良一点,因为你遇到的每个人都在经历你不知道的战斗。
】
16.
"Appreciate
nature
and
the
beautiful
world
around
you.
"
【欣赏自然和你身边美丽的世界。
】
17.
"Spread
love
wherever
you
go,
for
it
has
the
power
to
change
the
world.
"
【无论你走到哪里,都要传播爱,因为它有改变世界的力量。
】
18.
"Strive
for
progress,
not
perfection.
"
【追求进步,而不是完美。
】
19.
"Time
is
precious,
so
make
every
moment
count.
"
【时间是宝贵的,所以要善用每一个时刻。
】
20.
"Live
a
life
true
to
yourself,
not
one
others
expect
of
you.
"
【活出真实的自己,而不是别人期望的你。
】
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