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1.
The
heart
can
be
a
fool,
mistaking
desire
for
love.
【爱情错觉】
2.
Love
can
be
blinding,
making
us
ignore
obvious
red
flags.
【爱情错觉】
3.
Infatuation
can
create
an
illusory
reality
that
is
hard
to
break
free
from.
【爱情错觉】
4.
Sometimes,
we
fall
in
love
with
the
idea
of
a
person
and
not
the
person
themselves.
【爱情错觉】
5.
It's
easy
to
confuse
lust
for
love
when
our
hearts
are
racing
and
our
senses
are
heightened.
【爱情错觉】
6.
The
addictive
rush
of
a
new
romance
can
cloud
judgment
and
lead
us
astray.
【爱情错觉】
7.
The
heart
can
be
stubborn,
clinging
to
false
hope
and
refusing
to
see
reality.
【爱情错觉】
8.
In
love,
we
often
see
what
we
want
to
see
and
not
the
truth
staring
back
at
us.
【爱情错觉】
9.
It's
hard
to
let
go
of
an
illusion
that
we've
invested
so
much
time
and
emotion
into.
【爱情错觉】
10.
Love
can
feel
like
a
fantasy,
but
the
pain
of
the
aftermath
is
all
too
real.
【爱情错觉】
11.
Sometimes,
the
one
we
love
is
just
a
figment
of
our
imagination
and
not
a
tangible
reality.
【爱情错觉】
12.
The
mind
can
play
tricks
on
us
when
it
comes
to
love,
making
us
believe
in
a
version
of
a
person
that
doesn't
exist.
【爱情错觉】
13.
In
love,
we
are
vulnerable
to
the
lies
we
tell
ourselves
in
order
to
keep
the
illusion
alive.
【爱情错觉】
14.
We
can
convince
ourselves
of
anything
when
we
are
under
the
spell
of
love's
illusion.
【爱情错觉】
15.
The
heart
wants
what
it
wants,
even
when
the
mind
knows
better.
【爱情错觉】
16.
Sometimes,
love
can
be
a
projection
of
our
own
desires
and
not
a
reflection
of
reality.
【爱情错觉】
17.
Falling
in
love
can
be
a
reckless
act
of
surrendering
reason
and
logic
to
emotion.
【爱情错觉】
19.
Love
can
make
us
see
things
that
aren't
there
and
ignore
things
that
are
there.
【爱情错觉】
20.
True
love
requires
facing
the
truth,
even
when
it's
hard
and
painful.
【爱情错觉】