1.
Fly
me
to
the
moon,
but
please
don't
make
me
fly
economy.
【笑】
2.
Boarding
the
plane
like
a
boss,
but
flying
like
a
peasant.
【滑稽】
3.
Finally,
my
dream
of
sitting
in
a
middle
seat
for
six
hours
has
come
true.
【苦笑】
4.
Time
to
put
on
my
noise-cancelling
headphones
and
ignore
all
human
interaction.
【耳机】
5.
Jet
lag,
dehydration,
and
screaming
babies.
What
more
could
ask
for?
【挑衅】
6.
It's
like
a
game
of
Tetris
trying
to
fit
all
my
carry-on
luggage
in
the
overhead
compartment.
【疲惫】
7.
Please
fasten
your
seatbelt
and
prepare
for
a
terrible
in-flight
meal.
【口胡】
8.
Please
exit
the
plane
in
an
orderly
fashion,
or
just
trample
over
your
fellow
passengers.
【夸张】
9.
Flying
in
a
metal
tube
at
30,000
feet.
What
could
possibly
go
wrong?
【惊恐】
10.
Can't
wait
to
arrive
at
my
destination
and
start
the
real
travel
adventure:
finding
the
nearest
Starbucks.
【节奏】
11.
don't
always
fly,
but
when
do,
prefer
to
be
squished
between
two
strangers.
【老梗】
12.
In-flight
entertainment:
watching
the
same
episode
of
"Big
Bang
Theory"
for
the
third
time.
【烦躁】
13.
The
pilot
just
announced
turbulence
ahead.
Time
to
grip
the
armrest
and
curse
my
decision
to
fly.
【惶恐】
14.
Pre-flight
checklist:
passport,
boarding
pass,
snacks,
and
a
strong
sense
of
regret.
【自嘲】
15.
Can
someone
please
explain
how
a
plane
weighing
hundreds
of
tons
can
actually
fly?
It
defies
all
logic.
【好奇】
16.
Nothing
like
the
smell
of
airplane
bathrooms
to
make
you
appreciate
fresh
air.
【味觉】
17.
Can't
decide
whether
the
chatty
seatmate
next
to
me
or
the
crying
baby
is
worse.
【哭笑不得】
18.
Just
realized
forgot
to
turn
off
my
phone
and
now
must
face
the
wrath
of
the
flight
attendant.
【懊悔】
19.
Is
it
just
me
or
does
the
air
pressure
on
planes
make
food
taste
like
cardboard?
【美食家】
20.
think
the
only
thing
worse
than
flying
coach
is
being
the
person
who
has
to
clean
the
plane
after
the
flight.
【同情】
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