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1.
"Life
isn't
a
fairy
tale
where
everything
falls
into
place,
you
have
to
make
it
happen.
"
【#RealityCheck】
2.
"You
can't
control
everything
in
life,
but
you
can
control
how
you
react
to
it.
"
【#MentalStrength】
3.
"Life
is
like
a
rollercoaster,
it
has
its
ups
and
downs,
enjoy
the
ride.
"
【#EmbraceTheJourney】
4.
"Don't
wait
for
life
to
happen,
make
it
happen
for
yourself.
"
【#TakeAction】
5.
"You
may
not
have
the
life
you
want,
but
you
can
choose
to
be
happy
with
what
you
have.
"
【#Gratitude】
6.
"Life
is
a
series
of
choices,
choose
wisely.
"
【#DecisionMaking】
7.
"Life
is
unpredictable,
embrace
the
unknown.
"
【#Adventure】
8.
"Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
on
things
that
don't
matter.
"
【#Priorities】
9.
"Life
is
a
gift,
don't
take
it
for
granted.
"
【#Appreciation】
10.
"In
life,
you
have
to
make
sacrifices
to
get
what
you
want.
"
【#Determination】
11.
"Life
is
not
a
competition,
focus
on
your
own
journey.
"
【#SelfGrowth】
12.
"Life
is
what
you
make
it,
so
make
it
count.
"
【#Opportunities】
13.
"Life
can
be
tough,
but
so
are
you.
"
【#Resilience】
14.
"In
life,
you
will
face
obstacles,
but
they
are
there
to
make
you
stronger.
"
【#OvercomingChallenges】
15.
"Life
is
a
balance
between
work
and
play,
find
your
balance.
"
【#WorkLifeBalance】
16.
"Life
is
full
of
surprises,
be
open
to
new
experiences.
"
【#Adaptability】
17.
"Life
is
about
making
connections,
cherish
your
relationships.
"
【#LoveAndFriendship】
18.
"In
life,
you
have
to
take
risks
to
achieve
your
goals.
"
【#Courage】
19.
"Life
is
not
perfect,
but
it's
still
beautiful.
"
【#PositiveOutlook】
20.
"Life
is
a
journey,
enjoy
the
ride
and
learn
from
the
lessons.
"
【#PersonalDevelopment】