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1.
"When
your
heart
is
broken,
you
feel
like
the
world
has
ended.
But
with
time,
the
wounds
heal.
"
【#HealingProcess】
2.
"There
are
moments
in
life
when
you
just
need
to
cry.
Let
it
out,
and
don't
be
afraid
to
be
vulnerable.
"
【#EmotionalRelease】
3.
"Lost
love
can
leave
a
scar
on
your
heart
that
may
never
completely
heal.
But
that
doesn't
mean
you
can't
find
love
again.
"
【#Hope】
4.
"It's
okay
to
feel
lost
and
confused
sometimes.
Life
doesn't
come
with
a
handbook.
"
【#Confusion】
5.
"The
most
painful
goodbyes
are
the
ones
that
are
never
said.
"
【#UnsaidWords】
6.
"True
love
is
worth
fighting
for,
even
if
it
means
letting
go.
"
【#FightForLove】
7.
"Sometimes,
just
listening
to
sad
music
and
crying
can
be
the
best
therapy
for
a
broken
heart.
"
【#MusicalTherapy】
8.
"Time
doesn't
heal
all
wounds.
But
it
does
teach
us
how
to
live
with
the
pain.
"
【#LearnToLive】
9.
"The
greatest
pain
comes
from
loving
someone
who
doesn't
love
you
back.
"
【#OneSidedLove】
10.
"It's
hard
to
move
on
from
someone
who
was
your
everything.
But
sometimes,
the
hardest
choices
lead
to
the
greatest
rewards.
"
【#MovingOn】
11.
"Broken
hearts
can
inspire
art.
Create
something
beautiful
out
of
your
pain.
"
【#ArtisticExpression】
12.
"There
are
endless
possibilities
for
new
beginnings,
even
after
the
most
devastating
endings.
"
【#NewBeginnings】
13.
"A
heart
that
loves
deeply
is
bound
to
be
hurt
deeply
too.
But
that
doesn't
mean
you
should
stop
loving.
"
【#LoveDeeply】
14.
"Grief
never
truly
goes
away,
it
just
becomes
a
part
of
who
we
are.
"
【#Grief】
15.
"Sometimes
the
people
we
love
the
most
are
the
ones
who
hurt
us
the
most.
"
【#LoveHurt】
16.
"It's
hard
to
trust
again
after
being
betrayed.
But
true
relationships
are
built
on
trust,
so
take
a
chance.
"
【#TrustIssues】
17.
"The
only
way
out
of
the
pain
is
through
it.
Let
yourself
feel
everything,
and
eventually,
you'll
come
out
the
other
side.
"
【#PainIsTemporary】
18.
"Don't
let
a
break-up
define
you.
You
are
so
much
more
than
one
relationship.
"
【#SelfLove】
19.
"The
scars
on
your
heart
tell
your
story.
Wear
them
with
pride,
for
they
are
a
testament
to
your
strength.
"
【#Strength】
20.
"The
best
thing
about
heartbreak
is
that
it
makes
us
appreciate
real
love
when
we
find
it.
"
【#RealLove】