1.
"Love
is
like
a
shattered
mirror,
once
broken
it
becomes
difficult
to
put
back
together.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
2.
"Sadness
follows
love
like
a
shadow,
eventually
engulfing
every
bit
of
hope.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
3.
"A
heart
that
once
loved
with
passion
can
now
only
beat
with
grief.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
4.
"Maybe
we
were
meant
to
love,
but
never
to
be
together.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
5.
"Tears
shed
for
unrequited
love
are
just
a
waste
of
water.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
6.
"When
love
ends,
it
takes
with
it
all
the
good
memories
and
leaves
behind
a
void
of
pain.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
7.
"Love
is
a
crazy
roller
coaster
ride,
that
can
leave
you
feeling
empty
even
after
the
screams.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
8.
"When
love
fades
away,
all
that
remains
is
a
broken
heart
and
shattered
dreams.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
9.
"Love
can
be
a
beautiful
lie
that
we
desperately
believe
in,
until
the
truth
hurts.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
10.
"Love
can
be
like
a
game
of
chess,
every
move
is
calculated
and
the
end
game
is
uncertain.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
11.
"When
love
is
lost,
it's
like
a
winter
season
that
never
ends.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
12.
"Love
can
be
like
a
candle
flame,
it
can
flicker
and
blow
out
in
an
instant.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
13.
"Love
is
like
a
rose,
it
can
have
thorns
that
can
leave
us
bleeding.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
14.
"It's
better
to
have
loved
and
lost,
than
never
to
have
loved
at
all.
But
sometimes,
it's
hard
to
believe
that.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
15.
"When
love
turns
into
hate,
it's
hard
to
distinguish
the
difference.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
16.
"Love's
absence
can
be
felt
more
keenly
than
its
presence.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
17.
"Love
can
make
us
feel
invincible,
until
it
crushes
us
beneath
its
weight.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
18.
"Love
is
like
a
drug,
once
it
is
taken
away,
the
withdrawal
is
agonizing.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
19.
"When
love
is
gone,
sometimes
all
that's
left
is
a
blurry
memory.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
20.
"Love
is
never
lost,
it
just
changes
form.
"
【失去希望的爱情】
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