1.
Beauty
is
not
just
the
way
something
looks,
it's
the
way
it
makes
you
feel.
【美丽不仅仅是外表,更是它能给人带来的感觉。
】
2.
Life
is
a
canvas,
and
every
day
is
a
brush
stroke.
Make
sure
to
paint
it
beautifully
with
lots
of
colors.
【人生就像一张画布,每一天都是一个画笔。
一定要用许多色彩来绘制一个美丽的画面。
】
3.
The
true
beauty
of
a
person
lies
within
their
heart
and
soul.
【一个人真正的美丽在于他们内心和灵魂。
】
4.
Nature
is
the
most
beautiful
canvas
that
we
have
been
gifted
with.
【自然是我们所拥有的最美丽的画布。
】
5.
smile
is
the
most
beautiful
thing
a
person
can
wear.
【微笑是人们最美丽的装饰。
】
6.
Beauty
is
not
just
limited
to
physical
appearance,
but
it's
also
a
reflection
of
one's
character.
【美丽不仅仅局限于外貌,也是一个人品格的体现。
】
7.
The
most
beautiful
experiences
are
the
ones
that
touch
our
hearts
and
souls.
【最美丽的经历是那些触动我们心灵的经历。
】
8.
The
beauty
of
art
is
that
it
can
express
emotions
that
words
cannot.
【艺术之美在于它能表达那些文字无法表达的情感。
】
9.
The
beauty
of
true
friendship
is
that
it
can
withstand
the
test
of
time
and
distance.
【真正友谊的美在于它可以经得起时间和距离的考验。
】
10.
Beauty
is
nothing
if
not
shared.
It
becomes
even
more
beautiful
when
it
is
spread.
【如果不分享,美丽就是虚无的。
当它传播时,它变得更加美丽。
】
11.
The
beauty
of
life
is
that
it
is
full
of
surprises
and
new
beginnings.
【人生之美在于它充满了惊喜和新的开始。
】
12.
The
beauty
of
love
is
that
it
can
make
even
the
darkest
of
days
seem
bright
and
beautiful.
【爱情之美在于它可以让甚至最黑暗的日子变得明亮而美丽。
】
13.
Beauty
is
not
just
a
physical
attribute,
but
it's
a
state
of
mind
as
well.
【美丽不仅仅是一个外在属性,也是一种心态。
】
14.
The
beauty
of
the
ocean
is
that
it
can
calm
our
souls
and
fill
us
with
wonder
and
awe.
【海洋之美在于它能平静我们的灵魂并使我们充满惊叹和敬畏之情。
】
15.
Beauty
is
not
just
about
what
we
see,
it's
also
about
what
we
feel
and
experience.
【美丽不仅仅关乎我们所看到的,也与我们所感受和经历的有关。
】
16.
The
beauty
of
nature
is
that
it
can
make
us
forget
all
of
our
stresses
and
troubles.
【大自然之美在于它可以让我们忘记所有的压力和烦恼。
】
17.
Beauty
is
not
just
a
physical
feature,
but
it's
also
about
the
essence
of
a
person.
【美丽不仅仅是一个外在的特征,也涵盖了一个人的本质。
】
18.
The
beauty
of
the
sunset
is
that
it
reminds
us
that
endings
can
be
beautiful
as
well.
【日落之美在于它提醒我们,结束也可以是美丽的。
】
19.
True
beauty
is
not
about
perfection,
but
it's
about
embracing
our
flaws
and
imperfections.
【真正的美不是关于完美,而是关于接受我们的缺陷和不完美。
】
20.
Beauty
is
a
light
that
shines
from
within.
It's
about
being
kind,
compassionate,
and
loving
towards
everyone
and
everything
around
us.
【美丽是一束从内心发出的光。
它涵盖了对周围的一切事物都保持着善良、同情和爱的态度。
】
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