-
1.
"In
the
garden
of
life,
the
most
beautiful
flowers
always
bloom
with
the
sweetest
fragrance.
Roses
are
the
perfect
example
of
beauty
and
perfume
combined.
"
【美丽香浓,玫瑰永不败】
2.
"Like
a
rose
bud,
love
blossoms
slowly
but
surely.
It
takes
time,
patience,
and
care
to
nurture
it
into
something
beautiful.
"
【爱如玫瑰,渐变芳华】
3.
"When
life
gets
prickly,
remember
that
roses
have
thorns
too.
But
behind
those
thorns
lies
unparalleled
beauty.
"
【艰难困惑,刺痛心灵,掩藏玫瑰般的美丽】
4.
"The
scent
of
roses
carries
with
it
the
sweetness
of
love
and
the
promise
of
romance.
"
【馥郁芬芳,爱心满怀,玫瑰承载一场恋曲】
5.
"Like
a
rose
petal,
love
can
be
fragile
and
delicate.
Handle
it
with
care
and
cherish
it
always.
"
【爱如花瓣,抚摸温柔,珍爱相依】
6.
"A
rose
by
any
other
name
would
still
smell
as
sweet.
But
there's
something
special
about
a
rose,
just
like
there's
something
special
about
you.
"
【玫瑰变身,馨香不减;你,也是独一无二的特别】
7.
"Roses
are
a
symbol
of
passion,
devotion,
and
undying
love.
May
your
love
story
be
as
timeless
as
the
beauty
of
a
rose.
"
【玫瑰代表激情,奉献和永恒的爱;愿你们的爱情像玫瑰般地美丽和永恒】
8.
"Like
a
rose
garden,
love
requires
constant
nurturing
and
attention.
But
the
end
result
is
worth
all
the
effort.
"
【爱如花园,需耐心呵护;收获,将会美轮美奂】
9.
"When
the
world
seems
bleak
and
dreary,
a
single
rose
can
bring
color
and
light
into
our
lives.
"
【行影如灰,一枝玫瑰便能点亮生活】
10.
"A
rose's
thorns
may
prick
us,
but
its
beauty
and
fragrance
will
heal
our
hearts.
"
【刺痛心灵,香气抚慰,蕴藏无穷想象的玫瑰】
11.
"Like
a
rose
in
full
bloom,
love
is
a
thing
of
beauty
and
wonder
that
fills
our
hearts
with
joy.
"
【大花繁盛,爱情充满阳光,心中充满快乐】
12.
"Roses
don't
just
represent
love-
they
represent
hope,
peace,
and
innocence
as
well.
"
【玫瑰:不仅代表爱,还代表希望,和平和纯真】
13.
"A
beautiful
rose
is
a
work
of
art,
carefully
crafted
by
nature
herself.
Cherish
it
and
let
it
inspire
you.
"
【花饰自然,人心沉醉,玫瑰,是艺术品的典范】
14.
"The
beauty
of
a
rose
lies
not
only
in
its
color
and
shape,
but
also
in
the
way
it
touches
our
hearts
and
souls.
"
【玫瑰之美,不仅源于颜色和形状,还在于它触动人心的力量】
15.
"A
rose
garden
is
a
testament
to
the
power
of
nature
to
create
something
beautiful
out
of
nothing.
"
【花开四季争奇斗艳,展现大自然创造之美】
16.
"Roses
are
the
embodiment
of
love,
passion,
and
the
sacred
bond
between
two
souls.
"
【玫瑰,代表爱情,激情和两颗心之间的神圣纽带】
17.
"Like
a
rose
that
blooms
again
and
again,
true
love
endures
all
trials
and
stands
the
test
of
time.
"
【爱情如玫瑰,屡经风雨洗礼,依然绚烂盛开】
18.
"Roses
have
been
a
symbol
of
love
and
passion
since
ancient
times.
Let
their
beauty
inspire
us
to
love
more
deeply
and
passionately.
"
【玫瑰,自古就是爱情和激情的象征;让它们的美丽激励我们更深爱和热爱】
19.
"Like
a
rose
that
grows
in
even
the
harshest
environments,
love
can
thrive
even
under
the
most
difficult
circumstances.
"
【爱情如野玫瑰,即使在恶劣环境中,依然绽放美丽】
20.
"A
single
rose
can
say
more
than
a
thousand
words.
It
can
express
our
deepest
emotions
and
convey
the
beauty
of
life
itself.
"
【一枝玫瑰,胜过千言万语;表达深情,传递生命之美】
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