1.
“Love
yourself,
love
your
life.
”
【感悟人生】
2.
“Every
moment
is
a
new
beginning.
”
【迎接挑战】
3.
“Discover
the
beauty
in
simplicity.
”
【回归本真】
4.
“Be
bold
and
chase
your
dreams.
”
【勇往直前】
5.
“Never
underestimate
your
own
strength.
”【自信为王】
6.
“Life
is
too
short
to
hold
grudges.
”
【放下心结】
7.
“Find
joy
in
the
little
things.
”
【感恩有你】
8.
“Believe
in
yourself
and
all
that
you
are.
”
【自我肯定】
9.
“Don't
wait
for
opportunities,
create
them.
”
【自主创新】
10.
“Be
the
reason
someone
smiles
today.
”
【送去温暖】
11.
“Smile,
it's
the
best
accessory
you
can
wear.
”
【笑颜如花】
12.
“Embrace
change
and
welcome
new
opportunities.
”
【转变自我】
13.
“Life
is
a
journey,
enjoy
the
ride.
”
【享受人生】
14.
“Gratitude
is
the
attitude
that
changes
everything.
”
【感恩之心】
15.
“Be
kind,
for
everyone
you
meet
is
fighting
a
battle
you
know
nothing
about.
”
【行善积德】
16.
“Celebrate
your
own
uniqueness.
”
【与众不同】
17.
“Small
steps
can
lead
to
big
results.
”
【积小胜为大胜】
18.
“Everything
we
do
is
a
choice.
”
【自我决定】
19.
“Take
risks
and
live
life
to
the
fullest.
”
【勇于尝试】
20.
“Be
the
change
you
wish
to
see
in
the
world.
”【改变自己,改变世界】
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