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  1. 比喻家庭温馨的英文短句
  2. 形容创意的英文句子、人的思想和创意是千变万化的


〖One〗、一个人因为有家,才有了归宿。Because a person has a home, he has a home。

〖Two〗、一颗归心,一席团圆。One heart, one reunion。

〖Three〗、真正的成功,就是家庭幸福。Real success is family happiness。

〖Four〗、家,因爱结缘也因情而天长地久。Home, because of love, but also because of love and everlasting。

〖Five〗、家,不在于富足,只在于和睦。Family does not lie in wealth, but in harmony。

〖Six〗、家,不需要豪宅,只需要温暖。Home, not luxury, just warmth。

〖Seven〗、家要陪伴,而不是亲人离散。Family should be accompanied, not separated。

〖Eight〗、家庭和睦,才能兴旺。Family harmony is the only way to prosperity。

〖Nine〗、家永远不可少,家永远最重要。Home is always indispensable, home is always the most important。

〖Ten〗、家,不在于富有,而在于温馨。Home is not rich, but warm。



〖Two〗、 Wake up every day, wake up not the bell, but the dream.


〖Four〗、 With your understanding ability, I explained that you don't understand, so you continue to be vague.


〖Six〗、 The so-called hero actually refers to those who can survive in any environment.


〖Eight〗、 People live on two things: courage and wisdom. I just rely on two hands, a body of courage to break out.


〖Ten〗、 Idleness makes people's mind rusty. Everything should be viewed from many aspects.


1〖Two〗、 Difficulties can only frighten cowards and lazy men, and victory always belongs to those who dare to climb science.


1〖Four〗、 Don't take ordinary to gild your mediocrity. The world is so broad and busy that no one cares about your mediocrity.


1〖Six〗、 Don't say what is not rare, grapes must be eaten into the mouth before they are qualified to say that they are sour.


1〖Eight〗、 Stephen Chow's films are not only funny, but also creative.


20、 Don't forget the past when you succeed; don't forget the future when you fail.


2〖Two〗、 If you decide to give up something, you should give it up cleanly. Don't drag your feet.


2〖Four〗、 This novel is a masterpiece because of its excellent originality and fable.


2〖Six〗、 To be kind to others is to be kind to yourself. When you do this, you will realize that others are so good to you.


2〖Eight〗、"Evil" is a great evil for fear of being known."Good" is not true and good.


30、 Don't always follow others, you can't learn anything. Even if you learn something, it's someone else's.


3〖Two〗、 Don't think about the creation of the sea, we must start with*** all rivers.


3〖Four〗、 It's easy to set a goal in life, but it's hard to achieve it. But if you don't act, you won't even achieve it.


3〖Six〗、 It is the genius who creates the great cause, and the hard work that completes the great cause. If you have to work hard, you will get more.


3〖Eight〗、 I meet so many people in my life. I look at people with time and heart, not with my eyes.


40、 Maturity is, you ignore me, I will not say more, you satirize me, I will*** ile, if you love me, I will love you more.


4〖Two〗、 Living a life of eight commandments, but want the figure of Wukong and the bone feeling of bone essence.


4〖Four〗、 Having a dream is just an intelligence, and realizing a dream is an ability.


4〖Six〗、 Don't complain about enough time, don't sigh about opportunities. Since ancient times, success depends on hard work, why sit and wait for white heads.


4〖Eight〗、 I am very simple and extreme. I like a person, either 100% or 0%.


50、 The hilarious advertisement that turns sadness into joy; the creative advertisement laughs at the dead, which is really original!


5〖Two〗、 The world people live in is like a ship sailing in the sea. The most important thing is to distinguish the direction of progress.


5〖Four〗、 All harmony and balance, health and bodybuilding, success and happiness are produced and caused by the upward psychology of optimi*** and hope.


5〖Six〗、 The steps of a ladder are never used to hold feet. They just let people's feet stand for a period of time so that the other foot can climb up again.


5〖Eight〗、 Don't expect to meet the right people, just hope to meet all the people.


60、 There is no debt in life, others pay you because others like it; you pay for others because you are willing.


6〖Two〗、 Any relationship, you want to strange, I will not look at you more.


6〖Four〗、 Don't always say that it's time to leave everything to time. Time is too lazy to clean up your mess.


6〖Six〗、 Everyone is a good child, but the cruel reality, taught him to wear a mask of disguise.


6〖Eight〗、 I've always believed that men who beat women are the most incompetent people in the world.


70、 People's ideas and creativity are ever-changing. How can we standardize them with rigid systems?


7〖Two〗、 Time is the product of minutes and seconds, good at using sporadic time, will make greater achievements.


7〖Four〗、 Politeness is the first thing that children and teenagers should be particularly careful to form habits. Politeness is a mirror that reflects his portrait.


7〖Six〗、 Although the morality and principles in the mouth are important, they always give way to the interests in hand.


7〖Eight〗、 Youth is an incredible power. It inspires the body of young people and inspires their wisdom. At the same time, it also instills warm affection and strong sense.


80、 Good looking leather bags are the same, and interesting souls are one in a thousand.


8〖Two〗、 Pain and loneliness is a good medicine for young people. They not only make the soul better and loftier, but also keep the color of youth.


8〖Four〗、 In good times, friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends.


8〖Six〗、 Without torrents, there is no bravery; without mountains, there is no climbing.


8〖Eight〗、 Remember, what you like, don't ask others. Love is better than all principles, but I'm happy with the principle.


90、 I want a person to go to the end of time, a person to vow, a person to the end of time.


9〖Two〗、 You don't take me seriously, I'm sorry, I didn't treat you as a person, I told you, don't force me to this.


9〖Four〗、 I'm just like this. It's doomed that there are only limited amounts in the world, so it's different from you. It's normal.


9〖Six〗、 No matter how hard, life will continue, the reality is like this, without any mercy, you will lose if you don't fight.


9〖Eight〗、 Only those who are full of self-confidence can be immersed in life with confidence everywhere and realize their will.


100、 If you want to go through difficulties and twists, do not pay great efforts, always*** ooth sailing, easy to get success, this idea is just a fantasy.


10〖Two〗、 The advertising industry pays attention to creativity, and the stereotyped can't do it.


10〖Four〗、 Youth is an open-minded period, we should use this period to develop their own open-minded character.


10〖Six〗、 Your*** ile can be given to anyone, but your heart can only be given to me.


10〖Eight〗、 The real strength of a man is not what he can do, but what he can bear.


1〖Ten〗、 I don't want a prodigal son to turn back. People who like me will be infatuated at the beginning.


11〖Two〗、 People and the dead are all human beings, but they are both promising and resting!


11〖Four〗、 Experience is not what happens to one person, but how one views what happens to him.


11〖Six〗、 It is often inevitable that the rich are richer.


11〖Eight〗、 A person who doesn't want to wade across a river naturally doesn't want to travel across the ocean. The more the needle is used, the clearer the brain is.


120、 All kinds of creative participatory games are open to the public, so you can enjoy yourself!


12〖Two〗、 The straight line between two points may not be the shortest, sometimes twists and turns can reach the destination faster.


12〖Four〗、 Bad temper is actually a mental illness. In the final*** ysis, selfishness spills on others, in order to extricate oneself.


12〖Six〗、 Maybe we are all too young to stand the test.


12〖Eight〗、 What other people do to you, you respond with the same attitude. It's the first time that you are born.


130、 It's better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, and to be a green leaf doesn't mean that you choose mediocrity.


13〖Two〗、 If the sky oppresses me, splits that day, if the earth detains me, tramples on that land, we are born free body, who dares to be superior.


13〖Four〗、 One day I pass by, one day I miss, and another day, take advantage of it.


13〖Six〗、 I want to tell you, you have been in my heart, never left from.


13〖Eight〗、 If you don't go forward, you don't know the distance; if you don't study hard, you don't understand the truth.


140、 For some people, I just want to say that my slap fits your face very well.


14〖Two〗、 Pay does not necessarily have a return, but do not pay will never return.


14〖Four〗、 It's better to work hard before the event and be content after the event; don't be complacent in advance and unable to adapt to the situation.


14〖Six〗、 There is a lot of good things, but not everyone can have, that is money.


14〖Eight〗、 Busy is for their own ideal, or to not let others down.


150、 The more you grow up, the more you feel that silence is the best way to complain about your grievances and unwillingness. Anyway, you believe in you, I live my life.


15〖Two〗、 I think setbacks and tribulations are good opportunities to exercise will and enhance ability.


15〖Four〗、 It is no wonder that the audience will be disappointed with the production level of TV stations.


15〖Six〗、 Don't tell others everything. What you say is in your heart. They listen to it as a joke!


15〖Eight〗、 Don't take your own things out of your heart and lung to tell others, do you know some people, heart to heart in front of you, use your brains behind!


160、 Don't indulge in fickle emotions without the ability to clean up the mess.


16〖Two〗、 A person who has never done a career is not enough to be a good consultant.


16〖Four〗、 The lazier a person is, the more things he has to do tomorrow; the more diligent a person is, the more good days he will have tomorrow.


16〖Six〗、 People still have to have a dream, even if it is salty fish, also want to do the saltiest one.


16〖Eight〗、 I can't promise you anything, but I will take care of you for the best.


170、 In today's society, raw rice cooked rice is no longer useful. Even if it turns into popcorn, those who should run will still run.


17〖Two〗、 Knowledge gives weight, achievement gives glory. Most people just see the brilliance, but don't weigh it.


17〖Four〗、 This is the opinion of picking up the wisdom and lacking of creativity.


17〖Six〗、 When frustrated, they should be like big trees, cut down, and grow again; they should also be like weeds, although trampled on, they can still live bravely.


17〖Eight〗、 Now I, you do not cherish, after me, you can not afford.


180、 Wine quality is character. If you can't drink wine, don't pour it on the ground when people don't pay attention, even if you drink it and spit it out.


18〖Two〗、 Many people are not enough to rely on, to survive on their own.


18〖Four〗、 If there is a next life, I must be your heart, because I do not jump, you will die.


18〖Six〗、 Facing the sea alone, ready to cry for seven or eight days, so out of the house.


18〖Eight〗、 Everyone's creativity is very general, only he, innovative, put forward a high-level program.


190、 Those who hold you up, please don't let them fall; those who pull you down, you will not let them stand up!


19〖Two〗、 Without the courage to break the soil and fight against the wind and snow, the future of the seed is no better than that of the fallen leaves.


19〖Four〗、 The road of life is not easy to walk. When it is time to bow down, it is necessary to give in.


19〖Six〗、 Bring your face to the sun, and there will be no shadow.


19〖Eight〗、 If the mind is not clear, there is no way to see the Tao; if the will is not accurate, there is no way to determine the work.


200、 As long as we persevere and enrich our knowledge, we can finally discover the mystery.

20〖One〗、 What you have given today, I will give it back in the future.


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