1.
"Beauty
is
not
in
the
face;
beauty
is
a
light
in
the
heart.
"
-Kahlil
Gibran】
2.
"True
beauty
is
a
reflection
of
the
soul.
"
-Unknown】
3.
"A
good
makeup
can
highlight
your
features,
but
a
gentle
heart
enhances
your
beauty.
"
-Unknown】
4.
"The
most
beautiful
makeup
for
a
woman
is
passion.
But
cosmetics
are
easier
to
buy.
"
-Yves
Saint
Laurent】
5.
"The
beauty
of
a
woman
is
not
in
a
facial
mode
but
the
true
beauty
in
a
woman
is
reflected
in
her
soul.
"
-Audrey
Hepburn】
6.
"Makeup
is
superficial,
beauty
runs
much
deeper.
"
-Unknown】
7.
"Beauty
begins
the
moment
you
decide
to
be
yourself.
"
-Coco
Chanel】
8.
"There
is
no
exquisite
beauty
without
some
strangeness
in
the
proportion.
"
-Edgar
Allan
Poe】
9.
"Beauty
is
eternity
gazing
at
itself
in
a
mirror.
"
-Khalil
Gibran】
10.
"A
beautiful
soul
shines
through
even
the
thickest
makeup.
"
-Unknown】
11.
"True
beauty
radiates
from
within
and
no
makeup
can
mask
it.
"
-Unknown】
12.
"Beauty
is
not
in
the
face;
beauty
is
in
the
light
of
the
heart.
"
-Rumi】
13.
"A
gentle
heart,
a
kind
spirit,
and
a
genuine
smile
are
all
the
makeup
you
need.
"
-Unknown】
14.
"Outer
beauty
attracts,
but
inner
beauty
captivates.
"
-Kate
Angell】
15.
"True
beauty
is
not
affected
by
makeup,
clothes
or
accessories.
"
-Unknown】
16.
"Beauty
is
not
about
having
a
pretty
face;
it's
about
having
a
pretty
mind,
a
pretty
heart,
and
a
pretty
soul.
"
-Unknown】
17.
"Makeup
can
enhance
a
person's
beauty,
but
it
cannot
create
it.
"
-Unknown】
18.
"The
beauty
of
the
soul
is
forever
lasting
while
the
beauty
of
the
face
is
temporary.
"
-Unknown】
19.
"True
beauty
is
when
you
see
someone
with
no
makeup
on
and
they
still
look
beautiful.
"
-Unknown】
20.
"Beauty
is
not
what
you
look
like,
but
who
you
are.
"
-Unknown】
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