1.
Every
period
in
life
marks
the
end
of
one
chapter
and
the
beginning
of
another.
【结束与开始】
2.
Each
period
symbolizes
the
beauty
of
change
and
growth.
【变化与成长】
3.
period
is
like
a
punctuation
mark
in
the
story
of
life.
It
adds
depth
and
meaning
to
every
sentence.
【人生如故事】
4.
Life
is
a
series
of
periods,
each
one
teaching
us
a
valuable
lesson.
【人生如课程】
5.
Embrace
every
period
of
your
life,
the
good
and
the
bad,
for
they
are
all
building
blocks
to
your
future
success.
【接纳一切经历】
6.
In
every
period
of
darkness,
there
is
always
a
glimmer
of
hope
waiting
on
the
other
side.
【黑暗与希望】
7.
period
marks
the
end
of
a
sentence,
but
it
also
creates
the
space
for
a
new
thought.
【结束与空间】
8.
Each
period
of
life
is
like
a
brush
stroke
on
the
canvas
of
your
existence,
creating
a
masterpiece
over
time.
【人生如画】
9.
The
end
of
one
period
in
life
is
just
the
beginning
of
a
new
adventure.
【冒险与机会】
10.
Our
lives
are
defined
by
the
periods
we
experience
and
how
we
choose
to
respond
to
them.
【人生的定义】
11.
Time
moves
in
periods,
each
one
bringing
with
it
a
unique
set
of
opportunities
and
challenges.
【时光的道路】
12.
The
most
beautiful
moments
in
life
often
come
at
the
end
of
a
long
and
difficult
period.
【美好与困难】
13.
Every
period
of
life
is
a
chance
to
grow
stronger,
wiser,
and
more
resilient.
【成长与坚韧】
14.
Life
is
not
a
series
of
random
events,
but
rather
a
well-crafted
story
with
periods
that
give
it
structure
and
purpose.
【人生如小说】
15.
Each
period
of
life
has
its
own
soundtrack,
full
of
memories
and
emotions
that
will
last
a
lifetime.
【音乐与记忆】
16.
period
of
silence
is
often
the
most
powerful
way
to
communicate
our
deepest
thoughts
and
feelings.
【沉默与表达】
17.
Every
period
of
life
is
a
gift,
even
if
it
doesn't
feel
like
it
at
the
time.
【礼物与感恩】
18.
In
the
midst
of
chaos
and
confusion,
a
period
can
be
a
beacon
of
hope
and
clarity.
【希望与清晰】
19.
Life
is
a
marathon
comprised
of
many
periods,
each
one
an
opportunity
to
learn,
grow,
and
evolve.
【人生如马拉松】
20.
Every
period
of
life
is
a
reminder
of
our
own
mortality,
urging
us
to
make
the
most
of
every
precious
moment.
【时间的价值】
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